ma hoisting licenses defined
Class 1: Hoisting
1a = Derricks & lattice cranes (covers 1b, 1c, and 1d)
1B = telescoping booms w/cables (covers 1C and 1D)
1c = telescoping booms without cables (covers 1d)
1d = forklifts
Class 2: excavating
2a = excavators (covers 2b, 2c, and 2d)
2b = backhoes (covers 2c and 2d)
2c = front end loaders (covers 2d)
2d = compact machines (excavators, backhoes, loaders - under 10,000 lbs)
Class 3: tower, electric, and air
3a = derricks and self-erecting tower cranes
Class 4: specialty
4a = no longer exists ...
4B = drill rigs
4c = pipeline side-booms
4d = concrete pumps
4e = catch basin cleaner
4f = sign hanging equipment
4g = specialty lawn mower
municipality limited license​
as per the massachusetts department of public safety, "Operators who are employed by a municipal public works department may operate, solely within the scope of their municipal employment, under a single license equipment under the following restrictions: 1c, 2B, and 4g."
applying for this license requires you to submit a letter from your employer (the municipality), on letterhead, proving the authenticity of your employment.
if you leave this employer (whether your decision, or not), your municipality limited license becomes null/void.
municipality limited license-holders are still responsible for completing continuing education requirements.
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